See below Fr. Mitch Pacwa’s hour-long conversation with Father Thomas Dailey, OSFS about St. Francis de Sales! Fr. Dailey is a teacher and founder of the Salesian Center for Faith and Culture, of de Sales University, Center Valley, PA.

Fr. Thomas Dailey, OSFS, explains spirituality for all walks of life on the EWTN interview.
Tidbits from the video
You can fit in here. St. Francis set up his community so that women who didn’t fit into other monasteries, such as those who were elderly or infirm, would be accepted, along with the young and hardy.
A hot streak. St. Francis de Sales had an anger problem. He said, “Would you wish for me to lose in 15 minutes what for my whole life I have tried to control?”
One vow, not three. Initially, with St. Francis’ order, there were no vows of poverty, chastity and obedience intended, but only a vow of love, since that covers everything.
Patron saint of the deaf. One person on St. Francis’ staff was a person who could hardly hear. St. Francis created for him his own sign language, in rudimentary form.
Great feats. Don’t worry about them. Start by making yourself humble, and God will make you holy.
Read online St. Francis De Sales’ Introduction to the Devout Life.