Francis de Sales and Jane de Chantal developed a spirituality for people that is suited to modern life.
Ever heard the phrase, “Grow where you’re planted?” How about, “The only time you have is each present moment,” or “Keep things in perspective”?
These phrases, along with many others, comes from the writings of St. Francis de Sales, a bishop and doctor of the Church who lived in the 1600’s in France.
St. Francis developed his spirituality, called Salesian, along with St. Jane de Chantal, a widowed mother who founded the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary. Through their friendship, a wealth of spirituality was formed that is excellent for those in the ordinary walks of life who want to live a life of holiness.
Salesian spirituality is a practical everyday spirituality for people living in the modern world. It gives expression to a way of the spiritual life as one embraces the duties of one’s state in life in response to the universal call to holiness.
Like a bee gathering bitter juices
“You aim at a devout life, dear child, because as a Christian you know that such devotion is most acceptable to God’s Divine Majesty,” begins St. Francis in his classic, Introduction to the Devout Life. He talks about the sweetness of the spiritual life. Devout people fast and pray, restrain their temper, deny their passions, endure injury patiently, help the sick, and so on. Although these tasks seem arduous, they are made sweet by their devotion to God, explains St. Francis.
“Watch a bee hovering over the mountain thyme — the juices it gathers are bitter, but the bee turns them all to honey,” says St. Francis, who continues, “though the devout soul finds bitter herbs along its path of devotion, they are all turned to sweetness and pleasantness as it treads.”
Salesian spiritualty is being promoted on this website, which has a blog and a “Living Jesus Chat Room.” The blog contains chapters from a study guide that draws lessons from the life of St. Jane de Chantal. Its chat room enables others to learn Salesian spirituality.
“Whether you are a lay person interested in plunging more fully into a way of daily devotion, or even considering a possible vocation to the monastic Visitandine tradition, we invite you to walk a spiritual avenue with our Founders, Saints and Sisters into the Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,” said Sr. Susan Marie, Second Federation president.
The St. Francis de Sales Association says, “Salesian spirituality has helped many people over the centuries to “Live Jesus,” to allow Jesus to live in them and to love through them, and to reproduce in their life, as did St. Francis de Sales, the gentleness and humility of Jesus.”
Live for the Moment, and Other Gems
Here are a few highlights of Salesian spirituality, taken from the St. Francis de Sales Association:
• God is love, and all creation is an outpouring of that love.
• All creation has been made for Christ, with Christ and through Christ.
• Jesus is the model for all fully human living.
• You possess divine dignity and are worthy of profound respect.
• Despite your weakness and sinfulness, God loves you so much that He sent His only Son to become human.
• You are called to be holy, that is, to grow in union with God.
• Pursuing a holy life is called “devotion,” that is, doing what is both commanded and counseled by God promptly, actively, and diligently.
• The pursuit of holiness must be practical. It must transform your attitudes, attributes, and actions.
• Acknowledge your sins and failing; learn from them, but do not dwell on them.
• God gives you talents and abilities, gifts that should be discovered, developed and used for the good of others.
• The only time you have is each present moment. Don’t live in the past; don’t dwell on the future.
• Keep things in perspective.
• Develop a sense of humor.
The Second Federation of the Visitation consists of houses in Washington, D.C.; St. Louis, MO; Mendota Heights, MN; Minneapolis, MN and Brooklyn, NY.