(February 22, 2012: Ash Wednesday)
“Rend your hearts, not your garments.”
During his last Lent before his death in December 1622, Francis de Sales preached in a sermon in which he made the following observation:
“Our Divine Savior (who instituted the fast) greatly desires in His
Sermon on the Mount to teach His Apostles how it must be practiced (Mt 6:16-18), which is a matter of great profit and utility. He knew how to draw strength and efficacy from fasting, something more than abstinence from prohibited food or drink is required. Thus, Jesus instructed them – and consequently disposed them – to gather the fruits proper to fasting. Among many others are these four: (1) it raises the spirit to God, mortifying the flesh and its sensuality; (2) it fights concupiscence; (3) it gives power to conquer and deaden its passions; (4) it disposes the heart to seek to please only God with great purity of heart.” (Living Jesus, p. 112)
Whatever we chose to do during this season of Lent, it cannot remain merely skin deep: it must reach – and change – our hearts.
(Source: Fr. Michael Murray OSFS)