Living Jesus Chat Room — Sign up

Searching for the answer to the longing in their hearts
When the three wise men from afar visited the newborn King of the Jews, what did they expect to find? They must have been thrilled to know that the longing in their hearts could be fulfilled in this little child!
Come to our Living Jesus Chat Room this Sunday, Jan. 6, at 7:30 PM Eastern Time, when we will talk about the Magi, and the meaning of God’s gifts to us, and the gift of ourselves to God.
Living Jesus Chat Room Reflection and Discussion:
- Who has been a spiritual gift in your life? How was their gift to you manifested?
- What gifts do you give Jesus on the Epiphany? What are you asking of Him?
To prepare for the chat, please read our post on the Epiphany.
Share with others who are journeying the same path as you. Get your Chat Room membership, or come on Sunday and login as a guest. We must limit the number of members to the Chat Room. So we suggest that you come on time to make sure you can participate. Sister Susan Marie, our moderator, will guide us.
See you Sunday.