The title of this post is taken from a talk on February 10, 1849 by Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis, VHM, Superior in a Visitation Monastery at a time when the Supreme Pontiff, Pope Pius IX,
had to flee Rome. Her advice is startlingly relevant for today!
Below is her talk:
“Again we are about to enter the holy season of Lent, the end of which should make us better Catholics, increasing our love for the merits of the Passion and Death of the Savior and making us more faithful to practice the virtues of which His life offers us continual examples.
The persecutions of our Holy Father and the Church make us feel the necessity of approaching God to obtain from His goodness the graces which are needed by our holy Mother the Church and the neighbor. Evil times are times of grace; they are the harvest time for faithful souls. Among all the graces that Our Lord bestows at the present time, there is one which is very striking; it is the spirit of prayer which is communicated everywhere not only to Religious souls but even in the world. This gift is very precious, for prayer was never known to be vain and useless. If it always has its effect with God, we must recognize what good is produced by the spirit of prayer, and we must render thanks to the Lord Who gives it. Then the need of prayer is thus felt in souls, it is a mark that the good God, wishes to pardon, and His desire is that this pardon should be obtained by prayer. It is not the virtue of our prayer that will have this power, but the virtue of the prayer of the Savior who prays with us, and for us. The more we pray, the more He becomes our Advocate with His Father and asks of Him by all the rights that He has, to apply to us, the fruit of the ransom which He paid for us.
We should redouble our prayers in the season of Lent to obtain by them and all our actions which have became prayers, the application of the merits of the Savior’s Passion and Death. The Savior is with the Holy Father in a very special manner during this time of persecution; all the virtues which shine in him, his firmness, his strength, his Constancy are the effect of the special assistance of the Savior. If it is thus with the HolyFather, it will be the same with his children, and we may receive much if we keep ourselves united with our Holy Father. It is our duty to aid him by our prayers and actions and if we do this, we shall share in the graces that are poured upon him.When a tree has taken deep root in the ground, it cannot be shaken by the tempest, but is rather strengthened. Christianity which has taken such deep root, and the branches of which cover the earth, will not be shaken by persecution; it will resist all attacks, because it is firmly planted in the Heart of Jesus.
We also ought to become more Catholic, more faithful to God during these days of trial, because graces and means are more abundant. If the days are dark and perplexing, they are very fruitful to the soul. The contest will not end without an abundant distribution of Divine blessings, and we ought faithfully to gather our share. We do not know how long it will last; it is not necessary for us to know, but only that this time is very precious and that this year may be much more profitable to us than many others.
Our Holy Father is our first Superior, therefore we shall do well to say often: my Superior is not in chains, but he is rejected by his country, he suffers, he is tried and persecuted . I ought to show him the part that I take in his painful position, aiding him by all the means in my power and uniting my position with his. I ought to say: I also am in exile for life is an exile. I unite my exile to that of the Holy Father; I will spend it like him in submission to the Divine Will. If there is a point of the rule to observe, an Article of the Directory to accomplish, a virtue to practice, a painful trial to endure, on all these occasions we must perform our duty in a spirit of union with the Sovereign Pontiff.
We shall thus receive much through him and we shall be aided to esteem, to honor and to love the Will of God. Thus we shall always become more Catholic, and the first Catholic hearts should be found in Communities; from them the Church expects much, and in giving to her they will gain much for themselves. We may be sure that all the Catholic hearts which the Lord shall find will be entirely filled with His graces. It will be well, during this Lent, to make every day three aspirations for the Holy Father, to obtain for him the protection of Heaven and to unite our life and actions with his. By this union this season will bring us new lights and knowledge to accomplish our duty. We shall realize the promise of the Savior: “I will be with you even to the end of the world.” This promise will be verified by the gift of imitation. The Savior will remain with us to aid us to imitate His virtues, that by Him we may be enlightened and strengthened to correspond to the Lord.”