Sharing the Joy We Have Received
On Sunday we will chat about Christian energy.
October promises to be rich in events for all Catholics: The Synod of families and the canonization of the Martin spouses!
If any time supernatural energy was required to live as perfect Christians and obtain salvation, no one disagrees that nowadays, this spiritual valor no longer is imposed imperiously but is still needed. In all the centuries of faith, souls were robust and virile; these days, souls are enervated, courage weakens, great characters disappear under the breath of irreligion, of sensuality and perverse things that are poisoning modern society.
A Christian does not run away, crossing her arms, living a soft and easy life, being rocked in luxury. We do not win the fight without getting violent! Reacting against laziness, against absolute well being and comforts of life, against the love of luxury, pleasures, striking out frivolous reading, fighting the defects of our character … and putting oneself firmly in pursuit of Christian virtues: that is what the Heart of Jesus asks his faithful guards of honor.
A good start is made with “I want”, assisted by grace, that may be enough to put a soul in the right direction and move towards the goal!
But we must “want”, wanting in detail and with patience. Before bad habits, you have to want to overcome them; you must want to triumph … We have the will to deploy all our energies in this perpetual struggle of grace against nature, in that small turf war whose battleground is our own heart.
Who will give us this good will, these energies of virtue, the heroic courage that made the saints? Who? But of course the Sacred Heart of Jesus! Let us have a familiar contact with Him, put our trust in Him and draw strength in the wound of His Heart! Thus armed and solidly anchored, we will find all the energy needed to comply with the true Christian life whose ultimate goal is eternal salvation!
(Sister Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)
We’ll be talking about Christian energy this Sunday; here are some questions to prepare you for the discussion.
- Drowned in the sea of everyday life we can tend to forget about the awesome presence and power of God. Like Peter trapped, sinking in the middle of the sea, how can we refocus our attention upon God and allow Him to bring us to our feet?
- What can you let go of today (and for the rest of your life) that is holding you back from totally thriving in God’s freedom?
- Modern-day luxuries and comforts convince us that the “next thing” will be what finally satisfies us. Ironically, the Christian life thrives upon being empty so that we are totally satisfied with God alone. However, God has made us to be in this world. How do we find the balance between our spiritual life and our material/bodily life?
- You are known by the author of space and time. This God loves you and knows you, and you will not change His mind about it. This God want you. God has put wants into our hearts. How can you surrender your “I want” to God so that it can be imbued with His grace and energy?
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