The nuns of the Visitation Monastery of San Vito al Tagliamento send a Christmas tree for the Mater Ecclesiae monastery where Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI lives
There is the big Christmas tree that stands out every year in Piazza San Pietro. Even Casa Santa Marta, where Pope Francis lives, will have its own Christmas tree: it is a gift from the inmates of Pordenone.
And there will also be a Christmas tree for Emeritis Pope Benedict 16.
It will be offered by the industrial union of Pordenone, by the Cro Foundation of Aviano and by the nuns of the monastery of the Visitation of San Vito al Tagliamento, the specimen destined to the monastery Mater Ecclesiae where Benedict XVI lives.
As for the “number one” tree, the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in St. Peter’s Square will take place on December 7th at 4.30pm and the lights will remain on until January 13th 2019.
The tradition of the Christmas tree in St. Peter’s Square began in 1982 by the will of St. John Paul II, who in that year received as a gift a fir tree from a Polish peasant, who had brought it to Rome. Since then and in these 36 years, the tree has been offered every year from a different European region.