The spirit of faith
We have faith and adhere to the teachings revealed by God and proposed by the Church. The Trinity, the Incarnation of the Word, the Redemption on the Cross, the real presence in the Eucharist, Heaven, purgatory, hell … these are all dogmas on which we would accept without doubt.
Yet, without being uncertain, it happens that our faith is veiled a little like the winter sun which, although it illuminates less, nevertheless exists well. The worries and preoccupations of this world but also sin comes as so many clouds to be placed between the light from above and our life here below! Also, Jesus asks us not only to have faith but the spirit of faith! What is it to say except that He wants the clouds that hover between Him and us to disappear and his light to envelop us, to enlighten us and to warm us.
If the truths of faith were ever present to our soul, they would penetrate it entirely and we would avoid sin more. To know that God is near us, that He sees us, loves us, begs us as Father not to offend Him, that He will judge us one day, constantly feeling his presence should be the best exciters to do good. Living between his cross and his tabernacle while resting on his heart is a source of impetus for perfection, strength in combat and consolation in trials. But what is this except having the spirit of faith?
It is this spirit that the Lord wants us to revive through prayer, the Sacraments but also in the vigilance of ourselves and by our way of living. “All things are possible to him who believes” (Mk 9:23) said Jesus to the father of the possessed youth, and when we feel doubt creeping into us, do not hesitate to ask our Lord often: “We believe but come to the aid of my unbelief! ยป(Mc9, 24) Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud