Christian courage

There reigns in the world a frightful disorder, impiety goes head high and vice spreads everywhere with an outrageous liberty. Yet Jesus reminds us of a basic duty of religious morality: Christian courage!
Alas too often by our concessions and our false evasions, we repeat the word of Peter in the court of the courtroom: “I do not know this man” and like Judas, we betray Jesus. We retreat when we are mocked for our faith or not to be disturbed or harassed we hide our religious feelings.
“Take courage, I have conquered the world” (Jn 16,33)Jesustells us . With Him, we have nothing to fear, as for the world, it is enough to scorn it. Let us be guards of honor without reproach, at every moment the opportunities to manifest our faith present themselves. It is a cross that is greeted in passing, a church in front of which we do not go without entering, a smile given for free, a charitable help brought …. And when wrong ideas are stated or the dogmas of the faith attacked, calmly intervene to defend what we hold dearest. God will help us and the words that we will say in his name will perhaps touch the adversaries of the faith!
Let us be brave Christians, simply do our duty, without provocation, but without fear, and if we do not blush from Him we are sure to please the divine Heart of Jesus and He will not blush from us on the day of our judgment! (Sr. Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)