It is not for us to choose our will; we must see what God wants; and if God wants me to serve him in one thing, I must not want to serve him in another. St Francis to To Mrs. Brûlart
“It is not by the grandeur of our actions that we please God, but by the love with which we do them; it is love that gives the perfection and the price of our works. »Last Conferences

What sweetness! the virtues are admirable, they delight the soul with sweetness and unparalleled sweetness after they have been exercised, where vices leave it infinitely abused. »Introduction Devout Life 5, XI
Why not try to acquire these sweetnesses?
Today I will practice humility, leaving aside my ambition or my arrogance. I will practice charity at the price of envy, sweetness at the cost of anger and sorrow.

Do not like anything too much, not even virtues, which you sometimes lose by over concentrating on them. “Treatise on the Love of God.
Today, I will love God over all things … because everything that does not tend to eternal love tends to eternal death. Treatise on the Love of God.

“True devotion consists of a constant, resolute, prompt and active will to perform what we know to be pleasing to God” Introduction Devout Life 4, 13.
Today, I will reflect on how to help my parish in its evangelistic efforts this year.

“The snake has forked tongues and two pointed ends, as Aristotle says, and such is that of the slanderer, who at one stroke stings and poisons the ear of the listener and the reputation of the one of whom it speaks. Introduction to the Devout Life 3, 29.
Today I will keep my tongue from all evil.

Oh ! rash judgments are unpleasant to God! These judgments are rash because everyone has enough to do to judge oneself, without trying to judge one’s neighbor. Introduction to Devout Life 3, 28.
Today, I will judge in favor of the neighbor. If an action could have a hundred faces, I would look at the one that is the most beautiful.

When we suffer deeply in our body, in our mind or in our soul, it is as if we were suspended over a terrifying abyss. Even if our faith is weak, we can still cling to a thread of hope, confident that God will help us. “It is you who have preserved my soul from the pit of nothingness. The Lord will save me “(Is 38, 17, 20)
Today, I put my trust in the goodness of the Lord regardless of my suffering.