
“The Church is a garden of infinite flowers; so there are different sizes, different colors, different smells, and, in short, different perfections. All have their their grace and all, in the assembly of their variety, make a very pleasant perfection of beauty. “
Today I will make an effort to work with others who are different from me.

I am a sinner but the grace of redemption is granted to me. The redemption of our Lord concerning our miseries makes them more useful and amiable than ever the original innocence. The mercy of God is above judgment and penetrates all works as a sacred oil. »Treatise Love of God 2, 5.
Today, I will make an appointment to confess and recover my innocence.

Do not shy away from the thankless tasks of everyday life. For the heroic but distant act, Saint Francis substitutes the sum of the daily acts. In this he relies on Christ who promises that a glass of water given with love will be rewarded.
Today, I will try to serve God in my brothers and sisters.

God our father is very close to us. The smallest prayer is heard and rewarded with infinite love and tenderness, like a father caressing his beloved child. »St. Francis de Sales
Lord, teach me to pray, I do not do it enough and I do it badly. Help me to listen to the inspirations of your Holy Spirit before making my decisions, before talking about You , and give me your strength to dare to testify of my faith in family or in society.

Francis de Sales “was essentially an Apostle, and that from the beginning … One will never be Salesian without being an apostle. Father Chaumont.
True charity practices the humble but effective apostolate of building the neighbor.
Today I will try to be disengaged from myself, from my own esteem, from the goods of this world, truly free in regard to success and failure.

“There are two kinds of obedience: one necessary, and the other voluntary. By necessity, you must humbly obey your ecclesiastical superiors … you must obey your political superiors … God having put them in authority to command and govern, each in what they have in charge of us. »SFDS
I will obey gently, unanswered, promptly, without delay, gauntly, without sorrow; and above all, I will lovingly obey for the sake of the One who, for the sake of us, became obedient until the death of the cross. For as St. Bernard says, Christ loved losing life better than obedience.

Do I realize that the balance and calmness so often taught by St. Francis de Sales can be an excellent testimony?
I will make an effort to stay calm in a little annoyance today.