Religion for us believers is not a formula, a science or a system, but a family. Since baptism, we are of the family of Jesus, and by Him, of God himself because we have received from his life, from his divinity, the name of children of God. God is our Father, Jesus is our great Divine Brother and Mary, whose name is borrowed from so much sweetness and love, is our Mother! She bore us at the foot of the Cross in the midst of unspeakable pains.
Since then, She has for us a mother’s heart such that all the hearts of mothers together can not match her. With this heart, Mary loves us without measure. Alas, the love of a mother, as tender and strong as it is, comes up against the harsh reality and impotence. This is all the pain and anguish experienced by all the mothers of the earth for their children.
Mary has for us all the same desire to protect us and to see us flourish throughout our lives so that at the end of it we enjoy the joys of heaven. She offers us, without ever forcing our will, all the means to reach our immortal destiny. How often, when a rosary has been addressed to her, an Ave Maria, it was enough for her to spread her graces profusely even on the greatest sinners. Let’s talk to her with the tenderness of a child, happy to love his mother and to be loved ineffably by her. Let us acknowledge ourselves as weak and frail and embrace our maternal heart. May our prayers addressed to her Son pass through her, and as a good mother, she will obtain us the graces required! (Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)