….Because it was painted on their premises, in the Chaplain’s cottage of the Visitation Monastery.
Former Mother Superior Mother Gertrude Janke, VHM, tells the story:

Fr. Sopoćko gave conferences to our Congregation of the Visitation Sisters in Vilnius. For the first time in these conferences he spoke about God’s mercy. He once said: – The time will come that the Divine Mercy feast will be announced. -We were wondering how the priest could know that. Fr. Sopoćko came to us and spoke openly about the devotion to the Divine Mercy. He explained the origin of the picture of the Merciful Jesus, with the inscription: “Jesus, I trust in You.” We saw this image, but we did not know its meaning.
At the time when S. Faustina was in Vilnius, the Lord Jesus demanded this painting. Fr Sopoćko lived then as our chaplain. The painter, Kazimirowski, also lived there near him.. S. Faustina told Fr. Sopoćko that the Lord Jesus required painting such a picture. “Let Sister paint it,” said Fr. Sopocko. She managed to take away a lot of canvas, but nothing came of it.. Fr. Sopoćko went to Mr Kazimirowski asking if he would paint such a painting, because one nun wanted it. The artist agreed.
Fr. Sopoćko came to us asking for an alb…. Fr. Sopoćko dressed in the alb, he laid it on himself as S. Faustina described and posed for Mr. Kazimirowski as many times as it was necessary. When the picture was ready, Fr. Sopoćko came with S. Faustina to Mr. Kazimirowski.
From the behavior of S. Faustina Fr. Sopocko knew that she had a vision at the moment. And indeed, the Lord Jesus was there and said, “Now look and correct it.” The wife of our gardener was present at this scene cleaning the rooms. Seeing how S. Faustina asked for the correction of the picture, she told herself
– Mad woman. The picture is ready, and she is still correcting here … – she was mimicking her. How that woman later regretted it when, after many years, she learned what it was all about.

The picture was ready in the period when Fr. Sopoćko and S. Faustina were very persecuted. The priests mocked, they thought him crazy, etc. The Lord Jesus demanded that the image be honored. Fr Sopoćko brought it to our speak-room and asked Mother Superior that all the sisters would come to see him. We went. Fr Sopocko asked what the Sisters thought about this picture. The statements were different. One of the serious Sisters said that she wondered why the heart is invisible, but what do the rays that go from it mean? Fr Sopocko asked Mother Superior to take this image to our church. (the church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at the convent of the Sisters of the Visitation). But this picture did not harmonize with the stuccos of our church.
Fr. Sopoćko, after being appointed chaplain to the Sisters of the Bernardines, gave this image to the Sisters in that monastery. After some time, S. Faustina told Fr. Sopoćko that the Lord Jesus was dissatisfied, because this image stood in the corridor, face turned to the wall. The priest immediately went to ask the Sister and it was like S. Faustina said.
FR Sopocko told Fr. Kanonikowi his difficulties. He said that the painting would be sent to the Gate of Dawn, there would be a Triduum, it would be displayed as a decoration on the balcony of the chapel and he added:
– Let the priest preach about God’s mercy.
At that time during the service and sermon there were many conversions. Sr. M. Gertrude Janke vsm
Source: Z Kroniki SS. Wizytek w Wilnie