Praise !
The universal Church unites every day with the hymns sung in her communities to the glory of her divine Bridegroom. She sings her Glory to God in the highest heaven and her followers sing: we praise you, Lord, we bless you, we give you thanks for your immense glory! It is the hymn of the earth uniting with the hymn of heaven in the beautiful worship of praise. But individually, do the baptized devote enough of their life to praise in their lives?
Easily driven by the selfish inclination that inclines us to ourselves and our own interests, we observe that by entering a holy place and worshiping before our Lord, we are more inclined to expose our fears or desires, our infirmities and our miseries, only to sing a hymn of praise to the glory of God hidden in the Tabernacle! Certainly we are poor and sometimes even miserable, and in fact we need the help and pity of the Lord, but going out of ourselves to sing the infinite goodness of God is a sacrifice that pleases Him infinitely more than our complaints .
Let us humble ourselves, let us accuse our distress, cry even if it is necessary, but also give time to our soul to rise joyfully to Heaven! Let us take our impetus towards the Lord, give thanks in his joy, in his perfections, let us try to sing his praises and through that we will participate in the happiness of the elect! (Sr Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)