International Meeting of Honor Guards
May 8-9-10, 2020 in Paray le Monial *
in the presence of Father Juan Jose Infantes Barroso
General manager
as part of the 100th anniversary of the canonization of St. Margaret Mary
Dear friends,
In this month of the Rosary, where the rosary is particularly honored, we could also give an honorable place to our guardian angel that we celebrate this beginning of the month … Did not the angel appear to the children of Fatima ?! Why not think of invoking him and entrusting our intentions to him to carry them to the Heart of the Virgin Mary? Our prayers will only be worth more!
Guardian Angel

Pure and simple souls naturally and spontaneously maintain a gentle familiarity with their guardian angel, they draw assistance, light and blessing. Some even have a sensitive view of it, such as Blessed Margaret Mary, who, when honored by a visit from Our Lord, saw her angel prostrate her face to the ground to worship the infinite majesty of his creature.
These celestial spirits do not cease for a moment to contemplate the face of God, they read his wills and by their secret inspirations, they never cease to act affectionately to make us accomplish them. If we were more attentive and more docile, we would see how much their invisible ministry is helping us every moment.
Some people are accustomed to greet their angels and even to maintain an ongoing dialogue with them. Others invoke them to make an important decision or to avoid a danger. Parents invoke their children’s protection to protect them … But also let’s think how saddening we are when we commit sins, forcing him to veil his face and make him cry over our iniquities
On the contrary, let us use his mediation to preserve this beautiful virtue that gives us a resemblance to his angelic nature. Let’s create more intimate and sweet relationships with our heavenly protector. And after following us everywhere, let us not forget that faithfully, he will assist us again in our last passage and that it is he who will present our soul to the Lord. Since we are celebrating them at the beginning of this month, make sure you do not forget them too much! (Sr. Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)