by praying over her thoughts and sayings!
October 27 : I feel such great sorrow at having offended Thee O infinite Goodness, that I would suffer all the punishment due not only to the sins I have committed, but also for those into which I should have fallen, had it not been for the help of thy Grace. (vol 11, 206)
October 28: The cross is good at all times and in all places.It matters little of what wood it is made, provided that it is offered to us by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord. (vol 11, 392)
October 29: To wish to love God without suffering for love of Him is but an illusion. Still, I cannot understand that one can suffer, if one really loves the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ, because He changes the bitterest gall into sweetness. ( vol 11,476)
October 30: Let us love the Sacred Heart upon the cross,since It delights to find in a heart love, silence and suffering. (vol 11,466)
October 31: There can be no consolation for me but to see the reign of the Heart of my adorable Savior. Whenever this devotion makes some progress, He always favors me with some unusual suffering. (vol 11, 393)
November 1: I hope all from the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ Who is so filled with love for you that cost what it may, He wills you should become a saint. (vol 11,344)
November 2: Let us be all to God, all for God and all in God and remember that He wills you to lead an exemplary life, wholly pure and angelic. (vol 22, 345)
November 3: If He so wills, God can draw His glory from our most insignificant actions.( vol 11,232)