Dear friends and guards of honor,

Talking about the Cross or crucifix may seem obvious to all Catholics. Yet when we pay homage to our dear deceased in cemeteries, it is clear that the religious signs on the recent graves are disappearing more and more in favor of objects often representative of the life of the deceased who no longer needs it. Sign of the present times, one attaches more to the material than to the hope of the Resurrection. If already in her time Sr. Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud challenged the guards of honor on the deep meaning of the cross and the crucifix, what would it be if she were to do it today? We are entitled to ask the question !!!
Holy feast of All Saints to all,
Genevieve Vines
The Cross or the Crucifix
Universal symbol of Christ on the cross, the crucifix has become over the centuries the banner of the Christian. Since time immemorial, it is the object of worship, adoration and veneration of the baptized, of all the saints. Alas, it is also for many others the object of contempt, outrages and profanations. His language is so eloquent, his view so salutary, his use so sanctifying that one can understand how much he disturbs! Yet many souls have been consoled, enlightened, saved by his mere presence!
For us, the Guardians of Honor who were born at the foot of the cross, we must seize every opportunity and opportunity to pay homage to him. First by giving it a place of honor in our home, because it is true that today, we do not see many crucifixes in homes. We can also wear it on us as an invincible armor, and draw beautiful signs of the cross with respect and attention on us. St. Francis de Sales said: “I am such a poor man that I am squeezing myself at the Cross because I feel shaken as soon as I walk away from it. St. Thomas Aquinas, meanwhile, confessed to have learned everything at the foot of the Cross: “Whoever has studied his crucifix knows everything.”
During our hour of Presence, in imitation of the saints, let us launch from time to time, our loving gaze towards the Cross, we will draw towards us the looks of mercy of our Lord! (Sr. Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)