The time of Advent! What a wonderful time to prepare for the most beautiful feast of humanity!
Alas, commercial signs are diverting the Advent calendar (like most religious holidays) to make greater financial profits. But what does it matter, Sr. Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud, offers us all this month to show …… goodness !!!! Let’s ignore what the spirit of the world imposes on us and fill our Advent calendar with beautiful and good deeds that we can offer to the Infant Jesus of the crib! He will welcome them with infinite gratitude!
This is a beautiful goal that will delight all guards of honor, I’m sure!
Genevieve Vines
Nothing attracts us or seduces us as much as kindness! It is said that “goodness makes up for everything and nothing replaces it”. Nothing equals goodness, not science, nor genius, nor all the united talents of the earth. We can admire a gifted person, but we trust only a good being because goodness comes from the heart. This is where her throne is, hence she dictates her laws and she exercises her amiable and irresistible empire!
Yet kindness, though adorned with so many attractions, is a rare thing today. Is it because the deep source of goodness is humility and humble people are few? Indeed, to be good, and to be constantly with all, we must forget ourselves, dedicate ourselves without counting, support all peacefully. All this is nothing but the outward form of humility. But alas, very often, to be good, we have to make an effort on ourselves because it is easier to be selfish and closed to the sufferings of others.
It is by drawing on The Sacred Heart of Jesus, the source of all goodness, that we can succeed in conquering ourselves and becoming infinitely good beings. Jesus gave himself up to exhaustion, absorbing all the miseries of the world, comforting the suffering, forgiving sinners … He is par excellence the Heart infinitely good, infinitely humble who has come down to us.
To be good, one must first feel the desire and desire we will only find in the Heart of Jesus. And when the desire will be in us, it is also in his Sacred Heart that we will find the means to achieve it.
By the time Christmas comes, let’s make sure that our loved ones realize that a ray of divine goodness has fallen from the heart of Jesus into our poor heart and that it has indeed transformed it! Yes, let’s be very good! (Sr Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)