And greetings from Visitation Monastery, Santiago.
“Behold, I wake up to offer the Child, who is born in a poor portal for my love, my soul, my heart and all my senses. But I hear him crying because of the rigor of the cold between us … Oh, what a pity, my Child! From today I will love you very much because you will find relief! For winning hearts, oh my divine Jesus! You have come down from Heaven, being born as a child: You will have the victory because your love has overcome! ”
(Sta. Margaret Mary Alacoque)
Dear Mother and Sisters:
With the joy that Christmas time brings us and in this year Jubilee of Our Holy Sister Margaret Mary we come to you to wish you the best thanks and blessings of Our Lord, longing for the Heart of Jesus to make us dwell more and more within its side, because “Our Little Congregation is the work of the Heart of Jesus and Mary”, so we will fulfill our mission in the Church and we will be the joy and the crown of Our Holy Founders.
In the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary we are very close,
little Sisters of the
1st Monastery of the Visitation of Santa María de Santiago