What do you make of the description of the fruit of the Spirit being love with multiple facets of expression in the other virtues? Does that make sense to you?2. What do you think is the distinction between the gifts and the fruits of the Spirit?3. Saint Francis describes all the perilous things that love is willing to endure (no doubt inspired by St. Paul’s words “Love…endures all things.” Why is this a characteristic of love? How are we expected to “endure all things”?4. Do we need love to grow in th
Dec 15, 4:05 PM
Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): 4. Do we need
love to grow in the fruit of love or do we need to improve our practice of the
fruit of love to grow in love?
5. Does it seem that God grants more growth in one virtue than in others?
Should we try to grow in more virtues that we lack?
Dec 15, 4:05 PM
VisitationSiste: Q1 1. What do you make of the description of the fruit of the Spirit being love with multiple facets of expression in the other virtues? Does that make sense to you
Dec 15, 7:44 PM
Ruth (Guest): Lisa, I should take an example from you — the LOL about being unable to be on time. I can’t seem to take my tardiness lightly and have not been able to improve much if any over the past year. Always something! I find it so frustrating — and especially when it annoys others.
Dec 15, 7:45 PM
Lisa C: Ruth, I could not be on time because I live in Maryland it was kind of a joke
Dec 15, 7:45 PM
Lisa C: The Army forced us to be on time
Dec 15, 7:45 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hello Blancha.
Dec 15, 7:46 PM
Blanca Villa: Hi Ruth.
Dec 15, 7:46 PM
Lisa C: God is love so before He made the world there was only love and so it had to encompass everything
Dec 15, 7:47 PM
Lisa C: So it makes sense that the good things God puts in us are all part of love
Dec 15, 7:47 PM
Ruth (Guest): Opps, Lisa! I thought maybe you were somewhere near the Monastery, where, if I remember correctly you were educated as a child.
Dec 15, 7:47 PM
Lisa C: yes
Dec 15, 7:47 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes virtues stream out of love, charity
Dec 15, 7:48 PM
VisitationSiste: welcome viewers
Dec 15, 7:49 PM
VisitationSiste: out of His Heart
Dec 15, 7:50 PM
VisitationSiste: The gifts and the fruits- do we all remember the difference
Dec 15, 7:51 PM
Lisa C: no
Dec 15, 7:51 PM
Lisa C: talents vs the HS working in us?
Dec 15, 7:52 PM
VisitationSiste: gifts: wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge and fear of the Lord and piety
Dec 15, 7:53 PM
VisitationSiste: fruits : love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control
Dec 15, 7:53 PM
Lisa C: Why are they separate?
Dec 15, 7:55 PM
Ruth (Guest): Does that mean that the opposite is true, too? Until my head injuries and illness I was almost never late. Now I want more than ever to show my love of the Lord and his people, and even when I get up at 4:30 AM I “find a way” to not make it to 9 AM choir rehearsal and to be late for the 10 AM Mass! Or it finds me! It is a challenge just not to be so discouraged — for that moment anyway — that I “settle” for “watching” the Mass on EWTN on the computer.
Dec 15, 7:56 PM
VisitationSiste: The gifts bear the fruits so to speak
Dec 15, 7:57 PM
VisitationSiste: I think I missed a few fruits there!
Dec 15, 7:58 PM
Lisa C: charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, long-suffering, humility or gentleness, fidelity or faithfulness, modesty, continence or self-control and chastity
Dec 15, 7:58 PM
Lisa C: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-contro
Dec 15, 7:58 PM
Lisa C: just looked them up
Dec 15, 7:58 PM
VisitationSiste: I think that’s them all
Dec 15, 7:58 PM
Lisa C: 2 sets one biblical one traditional
Dec 15, 7:58 PM
Ruth (Guest): “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23)
Dec 15, 8:00 PM
Ruth (Guest): Lisa I think you would be on time even if you had to go from Maryland to the Brooklyn Monaster!~
Dec 15, 8:00 PM
Lisa C: The traffic might beg to differ with you
Dec 15, 8:01 PM
VisitationSiste: Love…endures all things.” Why is this a characteristic of love? How are we expected to “endure all things”?
Dec 15, 8:01 PM
Lisa C: Accept God’s will like Jesus did
Dec 15, 8:01 PM
Lisa C: Be one with God so you have the same will…if you could be perfect
Dec 15, 8:02 PM
Blanca Villa: By being faithful to God, even when trials and pain enters our lives.
Dec 15, 8:03 PM
Lisa C: Matt 11:28-30 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Dec 15, 8:04 PM
VisitationSiste: Enduring means there is suffering and suffering and love are companions
Dec 15, 8:04 PM
Lisa C: Offer everything
Dec 15, 8:05 PM
Ruth (Guest): Yes BUT
Dec 15, 8:06 PM
Blanca Villa: Suffering and love are companions..
Dec 15, 8:06 PM
Ruth (Guest): We also — particularly in close relationships — have the right and the duty to expect the respect that belongs to Children of God, and to find JOY in healthy relationships.
Dec 15, 8:07 PM
Sr Jennifer (Guest): Hi Mother, Lisa, Blanca and Ruth
Dec 15, 8:07 PM
Lisa C: Hi Sr. Jennifer
Dec 15, 8:07 PM
Sr Jennifer (Guest): Sorry, I am late tonight
Dec 15, 8:07 PM
Lisa C: 1Peter 2:23 To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.
Dec 15, 8:07 PM
VisitationSiste: Hi Sr Jennifer!
Dec 15, 8:09 PM
Sr Jennifer (Guest): What are we discussing now?
Dec 15, 8:09 PM
Ruth (Guest): We should be able to have our real needs met: physical as well as emotional and spiritual. I discovered that it is even written into Canon Law, at least the part about spiritual needs.
Dec 15, 8:10 PM
Blanca Villa: Suffering and love being companions is something I’ve always struggled to understand.
Dec 15, 8:10 PM
VisitationSiste: Discusssing Love…endures all things.” Why is this a characteristic of love? How are we expected to “endure all things”?
Dec 15, 8:11 PM
Lisa C: How did Blessed Mother endure seeing Jesus undergo His passion? She had faith that God had a purpose for it.
Dec 15, 8:11 PM
Lisa C: It caused her so much suffering.
Dec 15, 8:12 PM
Sr Jennifer (Guest): I agree that love endures all things. When I were sick, my Mother endures more than I do, I am really thankful. And she has to endure my disobedience during my sickness as well. I am truly sorry. That’s love
Dec 15, 8:12 PM
Blanca Villa: Yes, our Blessed Mother truly is the example to look up to.
Dec 15, 8:13 PM
VisitationSiste: Blessed Mother also intercedes for us at these times
Dec 15, 8:14 PM
Sr Jennifer (Guest): Yes, I love our Blessed Mother
Dec 15, 8:15 PM
Ruth (Guest): Am I playing “devil’s advocate” here. Joseph was Faithful, kind, gentle. Jesus had loving earthly parents as he was growing up. What he suffered would be hugely difficult for anyone — and there were very many crucified — but to be crucified unjustly, as Jesus was, out of Love for the likes of each one of us. Only God could/did do that!
Dec 15, 8:17 PM
VisitationSiste: Why Devil’s advocate?
Dec 15, 8:17 PM
Sr Jennifer (Guest): Jesus, our Lord suffered much more than crucifixion.
Dec 15, 8:21 PM
Ruth (Guest): Of course he did! I said “devil’s advocate” because maybe I am trying to steer us to recognizing that there are healthy ways of living love and ways that some people in the church have so linked to love and/or “good” behavior — especially for women and children, and maybe even more so for religious women — that has made us/them way too ready to endure than to remedy harmful situations/relationships.
Dec 15, 8:22 PM
Sr Jennifer (Guest): Jesus suffering physical pain, emotional trauma, spiritual abandonment, …
Dec 15, 8:23 PM
Ruth (Guest): There are martyrs, true saints, and there are those who think that putting up with abuse in a relationship is good or saintly; they “play the martyr’s role.”
Dec 15, 8:24 PM
VisitationSiste: I understand now.
Dec 15, 8:26 PM
Blanca Villa: There are also people who don’t know how to get out of those situations. That has to be viewed on a case by case basis.
Dec 15, 8:28 PM
VisitationSiste: I think we need to distinguish vrs elements in these situations
Dec 15, 8:29 PM
VisitationSiste: I hope this third week of Advent is very blessed forall, I have to leave now
Dec 15, 8:29 PM
Lisa C: please pray for me
Dec 15, 8:29 PM
Blanca Villa: Have a great week everyone.
Dec 15, 8:30 PM
Sr Jennifer (Guest): Good Night and Blessing to all
Dec 15, 8:30 PM
Ruth (Guest): I think that I for one have — not in friendships or a spousal relationship — but in other situations — for way too long failed to “speak up” for justice (especially for myself; somehow it seems easier to do it for others).
Dec 15, 8:30 PM
Sr Jennifer (Guest): I will pray for you
Dec 15, 8:32 PM
Ruth (Guest): Thank you. Glad you were able to join us Sr. Jennifer. Are you in the Toledo Monastery?
Dec 15, 8:36 PM
Ruth (Guest): Thank you Sister Susan, Lisa and Blanca. Viewer, you too. Have a blessed Third Week of Advent, and — in case we do not “see” you next Sunday night, may God fill you with deep and lasting joy — the Warrior King who came to us as a tiny, vulnerable infant.
Dec 15, 9:07 PM
Dawn (Guest): I missed being here tonight. and all of you. A Blessed Advent
Dec 15, 9:15 PM
Ruth (Guest): I just heard a click, like we hear when anyone posts a remark here and went looking for this site again (I have too many pages open at once) and realized that I had not signed out. That’s probably because I wanted to add a link to a Bishop Barron video about the Christmas Story.
Dec 15, 11:04 PM
Ruth (Guest): This might be the link. If not look on my facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/BishopRobertBarron/videos/2850342211677188/
Bishop Robert Barron – This Isn’t the Sentimental Christmas Story You’ve Heard… | Facebook