from DeSales University

Lenten online free non-credit course
Lent: A Time of Enlightenment & Reconnecting
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday which begins the 40 day period of fasting. This represents the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the wilderness.
The Lenten course will begin Ash Wednesday and remain open until April 30.
Registration instructions:
Go to and click on Register now
- Fill out the information and ‘Register for CourseSites’ or click on the ‘Existing Users’ link and sign in.
- Submit
- Agree and continue
- Blackboard sign in will appear. Sign in (if your browser does not connect, try a different browser)
- Click on ‘Prepare the Way course’
- Read welcome message, click on ‘content’ folder in left navigation
- Contact us with any questions/concerns / 610.282.1100 x 1244
Please note: we do not keep a record of your username and password. Contact CourseSites directly if you experience technical difficulties.
We do not charge for the online Advent and Lenten non-credit courses but ask that you consider a free-will donation to DeSales University.