St. Claude de la Colombiere was the Spiritual Director who verified the revelations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.
His Feast is February 15th.
Who was this Jesuit? How did he think, pray and preach?
Some of his words will give you insight and help you to prepare to celebrate his Feast Day.
Yes, Christians, everything that happens to us in this life happens by order or permission of a God who has always loved us, and who loves us even more than we love ourselves. He looks at us like his creatures, like his children, like his heirs, like his images. The benefits we have received from him have surpassed all our desires; they even surpass our conceptions, and those which we receive from them every day are without measure and without number.
Mercy warns us, accompanies us everywhere, we are
all surrounded by it; it is to her that we owe all that we are; is it from her
that we expect all that we hope, and we will not make it known to the whole
universe? Dare we not talk about it? … Help me, divine Spirit, to spread out
the riches of this infinite love that you have for sinners. I ask you for this
grace in the name of Mary who is your Bride and
(From the mercy of God)
I hear you, Christian listeners: this is the maxim on which you wish to settle: “You must not pass for bigot, you must live Christianity, without however moving away from the way of life of people of the world”. But if God, who perhaps loves you more than ordinary people, […] asks from the bottom of your heart something more than what He demands from other men; if He urges you inwardly to make Him certain sacrifices that the world does not approve of, that the world condemns and calls bigotry, will you despise the inspiration of God and all the marks of His Love, to hold you to your Human respect?

Lord your will be done, not mine. I bless you with all my heart, thank you for the fulfillment of your orders on me. […] I am sure that you wanted all these things and I would rather die than oppose […] your most holy Will. May your will be done! Yes my God, whatever you want in me and in all men, and today, and at all times, and in heaven and on earth: let your will be done; but let it be done on earth, as it is done in heaven. Amen! (From submission to the will of God)