We are going to enter the time of Lent, a time of grace to “return to the Lord with all our heart”.
Lenten gestures of fasting, almsgiving and prayer are traditional ways of changing our lives.
St Margaret Mary, in these notices to her sisters, invites us to experience a conversion of our senses.
“Here my very dear Sisters, is a small challenge, ..
You will make known the love you have for Him, if you make yourself faithful by using your ears, your tongue, your eyes and your heart only for His love and service. For that, you have to shut yourself up in the Sacred Heart, to find a new life of spirit and love, by a complete mortification of the senses… ”
If the word “mortification of the senses” can make us shudder … it can be positively understood as an orientation of our senses towards this knowledge of the love of God and his service.
Does Jesus not complain to Paray-le-Monial of the ingratitudes of men in the face of his love manifested for us in his creation, in our relationships, in the gift of his life in abundance and in our salvation? Let us return to him with all our heart in a positive approach.
St. Margaret Mary in one of her prayers will say to Jesus: “Transform me into you! “May this Lent take root in our hearts that spirit of gratitude and praise that transforms our lives.