The times we live in are very complicated. It is a very special Lent and we hope this letter will encourage you to stand firm in the faith. We should not hesitate to re-read Paul’s letter to Timothy while he is in prison, also isolated (2Tm). He can guide us: In our isolation, in our illnesses, keeping our eyes fixed on the dead and risen Jesus: this is our gospel.
We are in the time of passion and I would like to give you an attitude that Saint Marguerite-Marie offers us to a novice “severely tested by temptations”. Let us think of Jesus or the apostles in passion: “O my God, be my strength, fight for me. I do not refuse the battle, provided that you are my defense, so that I do not offend you since I am and want to be all yours without reserve. “
Marguerite-Marie gives this advice: “make sure not to lose fellowship, because we could not give greater joy to our enemy than by withdrawing from him who takes away all the power he has over us “...
Then she made this proclamation: “Cursed Satan, I renounce you and your bad suggestions! I did not start with you, I will not end for you!” (Avis28)
When we have no more words to say: put our hands on our hearts too and think: “Jesus, you are my strength and my support”.
Father Benoit Guédas,
rector of the Sanctuary of the Sacred Heart.