is the name of the new book from the Visitation Museum in Moulins, France, featuring original works by Visitation Sisters.

Paint by Faith is a book devoted to drawings, paintings and illuminations created at the Visitation.
In the XIX ° and XX ° centuries, the pictorial arts occupied a place important among the activities of the Visitandines. From the image of devotion to church decor, including beautiful books to paintings and play materials, a large number of nuns
of the Visitation of Mans had dexterity withh feathers and brushes
Some monasteries had “an illuminating school” like the Visitation of Le Mans, active with, among others, Sister Jeanne-Marguerite Gaultier, best worker in France as illuminator in1968. Others have benefited from the talent of professional painters who became nuns as sister Marie-Bernadette Nyssen who excelled in easel painting, making more than one
hundred paintings to decorate her monastery in Amiens.
Some nuns, gifted and patient, spent years, like medieval copyists, to compose the decorations of paint books. Most
beautiful pages are reproduced. You will feel like you are holding precious manuscripts worthy of the greatest libraries.
As we have our traditions and family celebrations,Visitandines have their own commemorations: jubilee, feast of
Superior, On these occasions, they make personalized gifts: an image that immortalizes a life,
illustrated collections with poem or song, or even comics.
Richly illustrated with 370 photographs, the book Paint by Faith highlights and enhances these works never presented. There you will also find unpublished information. Indeed, the work of Archives searches have identified many
sources of inspiration and models, but also the contexts of creation of these treasures of patience and skill.
Help us to perpetuate the actions of the Museum by purchasing this book, or by sending a donation – even
modest – qualifying for an income tax reduction of 66% of the donation amount.
Visitation Museum, 4 place de l’Ancien Palais, 03000 Moulins – 04 70 44 39 03
Paint by faith, Painting, illumination and drawing at the Visitation – 248 pages – 370 illustrations
¨ reserve copy (s) of the book, Paint by faith, at a price of 39 €
Collection of works: at the Visitation Museum, 4 place de l’Ancien Palais, 03000 Moulins.
¨ order copy (s) of the book Paint by Faith
Shipping costs are € 8 for a catalog, € 10 for two, € 12 for three
I enclose a check payable to the Association Regard sur la Visitation.
The check will be, for example, in the amount of € 47 for a book, € 88 for two books …