Here is the month so dear to our heart, that of the Sacred Heart of Jesus! We do not yet know how we will concretely live this Solemnity but we want to believe that the Spirit of Pentecost will have breathed hard enough and removed all the barriers imposed on our life of faith! This is undoubtedly also an opportunity for us to take stock of this confinement, because wherever we are and whatever the circumstances, we must produce fruit! If not, let’s go to the source of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to produce more!
Good fellowship with all of you and may the Almighty Lord fill you with His blessings
Geneviève Vignes
Produce Fruit or perish
“I am the vine, you are the branches. The one who dwells in me and in whom I stay bears much fruit, because without me you can do nothing … If someone does not dwell in me, he is thrown out, like the branch, and he dries, then we collect the branches, throw them into the fire and they burn. ” (John 15,5-6). “Even the hatchet is already placed at the roots of trees: any tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut and thrown into the fire. “(Luke 3,9)
Fruiting or perishing is the dilemma we face. On the one hand, we are tempted to draw our resources from the temporary and ephemeral things of life while recognizing the spiritual sterility that it brings and on the other hand we can drink from the source of life sprung from the pierced Heart of Jesus and give fruit. For all the baptized, the question should not arise. “Without Me, you can do nothing! By this, Jesus makes us understand that our souls, like the fertile trees planted by the hand of God in the garden of the Holy Church, only bear fruit if they are fertilized by the divine sap which He alone can give us. communicate. If his grace does not circulate in us, none of our works and our acts will be fruit worthy of the eternal reward.
Whoever plants, God in this case, has the right to pick the fruit that we will produce just as he has the right and the power to throw us into the fire. In this month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, let’s draw from the living source on its pierced side, let us quench our thirst and irrigate so that real life may flow to us. We will flower and give tasty fruits that will delight the Heart of God! (Sister Marie of Sacré Coeur Bernaud)