Among all the Catholic dogmas, there is hardly one more consoling and sweeter than that of divine motherhood. That a simple daughter of Eve, of the race of Adam like us, was predestined to become and bear the title of the Mother of God, the Church has always taught us. Another maternity, not the least, was conferred on the Virgin Mary: her spiritual motherhood. At the foot of the Cross, Jesus said to Mary: “Woman, here is your son” and to St John, the beloved disciple: “Here is your mother”. Adopted by Mary in the person of St John representing all the redeemed, each of us can claim the honor of being a child of this divine Mother. The Church, on every page of her history, makes us admire how through the ages, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, faithfully fulfilled the duties of this second motherhood.

Having known how to consent to the death of her only Son in order to become our Mother, Mary loves us more than we know. And this love, She never ceases to prove it to us by all the maternal assistance required by our infirmities, our miseries, our continual failures.
Let us pass everything through Her, our prayers, our projects, our affections… Let us expose to Her our needs, our sorrows, our joys, those we love… To Her, we can say everything, She is the Mother of mercy who never ceases to ‘intercede for us with his Son! So let us be like children towards Mary: Let us love her! (Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)