August 22 is the Feast of the Queenship of Mary.

O Mary, Sovereign of this universe! you who are our joy, our support and our defense, take an interest in me with the Lord, obtain for me the grace to make me worthy to enjoy one day this bliss which you now enjoy in heaven. Yes, I beseech you, O my Queen, my refuge, my help, my defense, my strength, my hope, my joy, and, after God, my life! grant that I obtain with you a place among the elect. I know that being the Mother of God, you can obtain this favor for me, if you ask for it for me. O Virgin always spotless! You are all-powerful with God to save sinners and console the afflicted, and I also know that, to sympathize with our miseries, you do not need any other recommendation, since you are the Mother of mercy par excellence.
Aspiration. O my loving Mother! make me be everything and always to Jesus, your divine Son,
Practice: Devote oneself generously to Mary and renew this consecration every Saturday.