An appeal! As we approach the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul on September 27th, we appeal to all Salesian scholars to consider a study of the letters extant of St. Jane de Chantal to St Vincent de Paul, and vice versa, for a further development of the understanding of their spiritual relationship.
In next week’s post we will highlight the impact St Jane had on the foundation of St Vincent’s Religious Congregations.
Below are the letters we have discovered.
Saint Jane Frances de Chantal to Saint Vincent, November 1627
Saint Jane Frances to Saint Vincent September 1631
Saint Jane Frances to Saint Vincent ,February11 1633
Saint Jane Frances to Saint Vincent December 1636
Saint Jane Frances ,July14,1639
Saint Jane Frances to Saint Vincent end of July 1639
Saint Jane Frances to Saint Vincent 1639
To Saint Jane Frances, August15,1639
Source of above group of letters: https://via.library.depaul.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1025&context=vincentian_ebooks
Saint Jane Frances de Chantal to Saint Vincent February 1640
Saint Jane Frances to SaInt Vincent MId-February 1640
To Saint Jane Frances, May14,1640
Saint Jane Frances t0 Saint Vincent May1640
Saint Jane Frances to Saint Vincent
Saint Jane Frances to Saint Vincent [Between1626and1641
To Saint Jane Frances,July30,1640
To Saint Jane Frances,August 26,1640
Saint Jane Frances to Saint Vincent,November24.1640
To Saint Jane Frances June 9,1641
Source of above group of letters: https://via.library.depaul.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1027&context=vincentian_ebooks