The month traditionally dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary, is also the month which closes the jubilee year of the 100th anniversary of the canonization of Ste Marguerite Marie. Nothing went as planned. This strange period has perhaps allowed us to live our commitment more intimately with Jesus. We ignore the fruitfulness of our prayers, but we are sure that they transcend the world. More than ever, we must persevere for all our brothers in humanity who lack faith and who suffer. Like Mary, Mary Magdalene and John who remained faithfully at the foot of the Cross, even though all seemed lost, let us remain faithful to our commitment as Guard of Honor which today takes on its full dimension.
Let us remain confident, God Himself has confidence in us! Let us cooperate in the salvation of our brothers!
always well united to everyone
Geneviève Vignes
Participate in the Redemption!
The more storms are unleashed in our societies, the more the guards of honor are required to zealously fulfill their mission of participating in the Redemption and salvation of the world. Certainly, the Guard of Honor is instituted not only as guardian of Jesus, outraged, hated, unhappy in the midst of his own, but at the same time, God made him guardian of his lost and guilty brothers, by placing in his hands the blood of Christ who purifies, who redeems and who saves.
A single drop of the blood of Jesus would suffice to purify a thousand worlds more sinful than ours. Mary, John and Magdalene received this supreme outpouring of love, raised it to Heaven and thus began the mystical exercise of the Priesthood which will be transmitted from century to century within the Church. For the honor guards, at any moment, in all forms, we can avail ourselves of this invaluable treasure. While being occupied with our duties, the only surge of our heart towards his pierced Heart from which his precious Blood flows, is enough to exercise our mission of salvation towards our brothers.
In this month of the Rosary, let us go through the Heart of Mary, victim of love who immolated herself with her son Jesus at the foot of the Cross. Let us pray our rosaries for our brothers in humanity and cover them with the most precious Blood, let us drown their crimes in this redemptive bath, and may our zeal be inflexible, may he triumph and lead the poor repentant sinners in the arms of Jesus, with his arms on his Heart, and with his Heart in Heaven! (Sr Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)