October 4, 1673: Saint Marguerite-Marie receives Saint Francis of Assisi as a special protector.
October 7, 1875: Birth in Heaven of the Venerable Mother Marie de Sales Chappuis (monastery of the Visitation of Troyes).
October 17, 1690: Birth in Heaven of Saint Marguerite-Marie, at the age of 43.
October 17, 1713: Sister Anne-Madeleine Rémuzat makes Profession. Jesus reveals to her that she must continue the mission of Saint Margaret Mary for the glory of her Sacred Heart.
October 20, 1672: Saint John Eudes celebrates the first feast of the Heart of Jesus, a few months before the apparitions in Paray-le-Monial.
October 28, 1668: Death of Mother Marie-Constance de Bressand, Founder of the Visitation of Nantes.
October 28, 1825: Birth of Sister Marie du Sacré-Cœur Bernaud, founder of the Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
October 31, 1686: Saint Marguerite-Marie takes a vow of perfection.