The special year of grace during the Jubilee Year in honor of the centenary of St Margaret Mary’s canonization concludes on October 17, 2020.

May this final week be enhanced for you! Grow in the virtues of St Margaret Mary’s heart which was fashioned after the Heart Of Christ!
Thursday October 15
St Margaret Mary’s heart was in union with the Blessed Sacrament
She said”Without the Blessed Sacrament and the Cross, I could not live.”
Wednesday October 14
St Margaret Mary was zealous
St Margaret Mary said, ” If you are in dryness, plunge yourself into the sweet Heart of Jesus which is strength within you.”
Tuesday October 13
St Margaret Mary’s heart was charitable
She said, ” By charity you will reign in that adorable Heart (of Jesus).”
Monday October 12
St Margaret Mary’s heart was STRONG
She said, ” If you find yourself in an abyss of infidelity and inconstancy, go and cast yourself into that of the firmness and stability of the Sacred heart of Jesus, our true and faithful friend,who will teach you to be faithful to Him and constant in His service as He has ever been in His love for us.”
Sunday October 11
St Margaret Mary’s heart was MEEK
She said, ” Be gentle if you wish to please the Sacred heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ who takes delight in being with the meek and humble of heart.”
Sat October 10
St Margaret Mary’s heart was HUMBLE
She said, ” If you find yourself in an abyss of pride and of vain self-esteem, plunge yourself at once into the abyss of the humility of the Sacred Heart. There you must submerge all feelings of pride that are stirred up within you, so that by love of your own abjection you may clothe yourself with His sacred annihilations.”
Friday October 9
St Margaret Mary’s heart was DOCILE:
She said, “If you are in an abyss of ignorance,plunge yourself into the lovable Heart of Jesus which is an abyss of knowledge where you will learn to love Him and do all that He desires of you.”
Thursday October 8:
St Margaret Mary’s heart:
was PURE
“God loves to see His image in pure hearts. St Margaret Mary wrote: ” I seem to be like a calm lake wherein God takes pleasure in beholding Himself.”
As she points to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, she says to us ” You may bury yourself in the Sacred Heart as an abyss of purity and perfection, to purify your intentions…you will find in it that life of grace to which He calls you.”
Source: The Heart of St Margaret Mary