Sunday Dec 6-Sat Dec 12
We continue our Advent series with thoughts by St. Francis de Sales on the Incarnation, from his sermons. This week we focus on Blessed Mother and her unique role in the Incarnation of her Son.
Sunday “At the moment the glorious Virgin gave her consent,the Holy Spirit formed the Savior’s body,and at the same time, His most holy soul came to animate it.(St Francis de Sales Sermon, Dec 24, 1620)
The loving sighs of Our Lady advanced the Incarnation of Our Lord, according to the ancient Doctors.(Jan 1621)St Francis de Sales
In His eternity He had foreseen that the Holy Virgin would implore Him to hasten the moment of His coming into the world and that He would hearken to her prayer.(Jan 1621)St Francis de Sales
The Fathers considering this word of the Song of Songs , “Let him kiss me with the kiss of his mouth,” say that this kiss is nothing else but the accomplishment of the Mystery of the Lords Incarnation. This kiss was granted to Our Lady who merits the name of spouse par excellence.(Mar 25 1621) St Francis de Sales
The divine union of the Eternal Word with human nature was made in the sacred womb of our glorious Virgin.( Mar 25 1621) St Francis de Sales
Our most glorious Mother practiced these two virtues, charity and humility, in a sovereign degree at the time of the Incarnation. (Jul 1621) St Francis de Sales
When Blessed Mother said, “let it be done to me you say,” at that ,moment the divine Word took flesh in her virginal womb and she became the Mother of God. (Jul 1621 )St Francis de Sales