We will contemplate the “yes of Mary” not without emphasizing the solemnity of her mystery of the Immaculate Conception. We will contemplate the “yes” of Mary in her mystery of the Annunciation, which is invitation to joy, communication of joy to the Father.
Joy is the barometer of the soul, its degree indicates the degree of love. Joy is commensurate with our faith. “Rejoice, full of grace the Lord is with you” See with what kindness God treats his creature. With us God uses this same courtesy: He does not insist; He never forces. He proposes. It comes in a light breeze …
The Advent time invites us to inner silence with Mary, to listen with Mary. Because she is a virgin in her mind, in her heart, in her body, Mary can say “yes” with absolute and total availability, unconditional She is ready for anything for God. Virginity Saint Augustine will say: “Mary first conceived the Son of God in her soul before she conceive in her body. ”This allows us to understand that the fruitfulness of the Church is not only bonds of flesh and blood but is in a spiritual perspective.
What we say about Mary sends us back to the spiritual motherhood to which we are called our vocation. It is to the extent that our heart will be pure, detached, stripped of ourselves and oriented towards God that we will be “mothers”. The future of humanity is linked to Mary’s response, a response of faith that opens up to the Word of God. “I am the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be done to me according to your Word. ”
Mary contemplates her Son from the Annunciation. When she conceives of the Holy Ghost the eyes of her heart are focused on Him: in the months that follow she begins to feel his presence and to sense his physiognomy.
Jesus can only have the face of Mary, the most beautiful of women. From that moment the gaze of Mary, the heart of Mary, always rich in an eternal adoration, will no longer be detached from Him. Mary says yes to God through her gaze > A questioning look > A penetrating gaze that guesses the choices of Jesus > A painful look at the foot of the cross: “Woman, here is your Son”. The different looks of Mary are signs of a love that has its source in her heart. The look ! Through him all our heart passes, all our heart which surrenders: to the heart good, a good look; to an evil heart an evil look. The look! How do I look at things, events, people? Take the time to look without haste, and above all by forgetting oneself in trust, in faith, in yes to the will of God following Mary who built on the Rock.
Source: Annecy Superior 2020