Dear friends Guards of honor,
At the start of a new year which is looming with all its uncertainties, we must take root in the hope of salvation. Nothing that will happen should discourage us from working for the Glory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is our first mission and resolution before any we might consider. It surpasses all others and must be our priority: it is our eternity because everything else passes and is doomed to disappear. Taking into account the current situation of the Church and the world, it seemed judicious to me to recall this advice given by our Foundress in times of crisis. In fact, at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, if the Guard of Honor was deployed, it was in the midst of the crisis of the separation of Church and State. The whole of Europe seemed to be ganging up against the Church. It is in this context of the persecutions against priests and religious communities and the hatred towards Catholics that Sister Marie du Sacré Cœur Bernaud wrote this advice which reminds us of what we are experiencing in recent times:
The Glory of God! We must work to repair the glory of God. She is currently undergoing outrages which make every Christian heart leap with indignation. In the excess of their revolted passions, human masses, who formerly were only weak or lost, have let themselves go to impiety, to hatred of God, a systematic, even ferocious contempt, of which the presence in a human heart is a monstrosity. Until then, those who hated God acted in the shadows and made followers. Now they are out in the open, they are making public blasphemies heard, they are launching attacks and entire gangs on churches to commit sacrileges. And I’m not talking about the havoc they wreak in souls. It is up to the guards of honor, faithful friends of the Sacred Heart, to restore, by their fidelity and their loving presence at the foot of the Cross, the ruins of impiety which accumulate everywhere. Zeal for the glory of God should lead us to increase, to spread this glory around us. Guards of honor, it may cost you your rest, perhaps something of your consideration, your reputation, or even a material good to which you are too attached, but whatever, from this beginning of year, ask yourself what you are going to do for the Glory of God. Specify your resolutions and take action! Fear not, God will not refuse you the help of his grace because it is his cause that it is! (Sr Bernaud, founder)

Through the intercession of Saint Joseph whom the Church particularly honors throughout this year, be blessed and may Peace of heart be granted to you every day of 2021. well in communion with you Geneviève Vignes, Headquarters coordinator