Pope Francis has declared a Year of the Patron of the Universal Church, St Joseph!
Over the years we have posted blogs on this great saint from a Salesian perspective.
Here are some of them to help you begin your year of devotion!
St Joseph and St Francis de Sales
by Sister Susan Marie | Mar 19, 2020 | Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de SalesSt. Francis de Sales The great Doctor of the Church and bishop of Geneva, St. Francis de Sales, was not only a faithful devotee of the Guardian of the Redeemer but his avid proponent as well. St. Francis de Sales made St. Joseph the special Patron of the religious…
Preparing for the Feast of St. Joseph with..St Francis de Sales
by Sister Susan Marie | Mar 11, 2018 | Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de SalesSt. Francis de Sales had a deep devotion to St. Joseph. The scholar, Father Joseph Chorpenning, OSFS, has written about this in a chapter entitled, “St. Joseph in the Spirituality of Teresa of Avila and of Francis de Sales:Convergences and Divergences, published…
Reflections for March Guard of Honor- St Joseph
by Sister Susan Marie | Mar 1, 2017 | UncategorizedHoly Lent to all! Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud particularly loved St Joseph in whom she had unlimited confidence! Protector of the Guard of Honor, we can invoke him with this same confidence, assured that his paternal heart will allow himself to be touched…
Celebrating the Treatise on the Love of God: ST JOSEPH
by Sister Susan Marie | Mar 19, 2016 | Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de SalesToday is the Solemnity of the Foster Father of Jesus, St. Joseph. The Treatise on the Love of God Book 7, Chapter 13, of St Francis de Sales, says this of the great Patron of the Church and of the Visitation Order: “One can hardly well doubt that the great S…. « Older Entries
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