and call for papers

An international colloquium, organized by UCLY and the Pontifical Salesian University in Lyon and Annecy, will open the year of celebration of the fourth centenary of the death in Lyon of Saint François de Sales, December 28, 1622. It will be held in three languages, French, Italian and English.
The 3 axes of the conference
This conference aims to combine the theological, literary and historical approaches of François de Sales, according to three main axes:
1. François de Sales, his formation, his development, his spiritual life The context of the beginnings of Salesian spirituality: a time of crisis The Parisian spiritual crisis and its resolution, against the backdrop of a quarrel over grace The question of François de Sales’s sources
2. The public speech of a bishop François de Sales and the Protestants A theology for all in the vernacular, to make God accessible The ecclesiology of François de Sales
3. The private word of the spiritual man The demanding kindness of a spiritual director The expression of spiritual life and direction François de Sales, model of confessors The direction of conscience and interior freedom, from Pascal to François de Sales
The Scientific Committee
Teacher. Jean-François Chiron, Catholic University of Lyon Teacher. Aldo Giraudo, Università Pontificia Salesiana, Rome Teacher. Jean-Marie Gueullette, Catholic University of Lyon Teacher. François Lestang, Catholic University of Lyon Dr Hélène Michon, MCF, University of Tours Teacher. Daniel Moulinet, Catholic University of Lyon Prof. ssa Benedetta Papasogli, LUMSA, Rome Teacher. Morand Wirth, Università Pontificia Salesiana, Rome
Call for papers
Communications will last 30 minutes maximum followed by a few questions. The text of the communications will be translated by the students of ESTRI (school of translators of the Catholic University of Lyon) and projected on the screen in the other two languages during the speech of the speaker. A round table will bring together the speakers at the end of each half-day.
Deposit of contributions Proposals for contributions must be presented in one of these three languages with a text of 450 words, emphasizing in particular the originality of the research presented. They should be sent before January 15, 2021 to the address The response will be given by the scientific committee by March 15, 2021. The full text of the communication must be communicated by August 30, 2021 for translation into the other two languages. The final texts will be assembled very soon after the conference so that the publication of the proceedings can be considered before the date of the anniversary of François de Sales’s death.
N.B. Another international conference will be organized by the Salesianum in Rome in December 2022. It will focus on the posterity of François de Sales and the congregations which refer to him.
and Source in French: