Jesus tells us that he will recognize before his Father only those who have recognized and confessed him before men. Certainly, He knew that it would cost us a lot, that we would have to make this profession of faith in the face of a hostile and corrupt generation, that we would need courage, even great courage! Regardless, he demands it of us. Those who hesitate will not take part in his Kingdom.

Honor Guards cannot be one of them! If they had been given the choice between the triumphant acclamations of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem or the Stations of the Cross, they would have preferred to support him on the ascent to Calvary, to show him their love and loyalty. Now that the clamors and violence of the ungodly against Jesus and his friends offer us the image of a new Passion, the guards of honor must crowd around him to defend him, console him and proclaim that they are devoted to him. more than ever. Let us not miss an opportunity to bear witness to our faith whether it is in our actions, our words, our attitudes and even in our clothing.
By all the means at our disposal, whatever it may cost us, support, defend the cause of God. He himself will one day make her triumph, but He wants, and it is a great honor for us, that we help Him with all our power. Who knows if the victory of the Sacred Heart and its reign so often announced are not at this price ?! (Sr Marie de Sacré-Coeur Bernaud)