Monday February 22 Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle
“You are the Christ, the Son of the living God! “(Mt 16:16)
Our souls must give birth, not outside of themselves but in themselves, to a male child, the sweetest, most gracious and beautiful that can be desired. It is the good Jesus that we must give birth to and produce in ourselves. (Letter to Saint Jane, June 24, 1604 EACCXXIII)
You are the Christ! This affirmation that Jesus is our Lord invites us to give birth in ourselves but also in the world around us. Are we not invited to proclaim like Peter and to evangelize? Let us give the world a treasure which is in us: let us dare to live and share our faith. Isn’t that “giving birth”?

Tues Feb 23
“[…] Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. “(Mt 6:10) When we do not use the charity which is in us, that is to say when our mind is distracted from holy Love, – either because it is taken up by another occupation, or by laziness and neglect – then , Theotimus, he may be surprised by some temptation, or touched by something bad (TLG IV, 3)
How to resist temptations during this Lent? It takes training, just like athletes. For us Christians, this training is prayer. Taking time, starting the day by using our minds in the exercises of sacred love, is our daily priority. Let us meditate on this prayer inherited from Jesus, may his kingdom come to us to live out his will….
Wed Feb 24
Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, according to the word of the Lord. “(Jon 3, 3) We must not allow our mind to look at itself and turn on its strengths or its inclinations; we must set our eyes on the good pleasure of God and on providence. (Letter to Mother Favre 12 Oct 1615; EA t. 17, MCXXII p. 72)
” Get up. Jonah is sent on a mission according to the word of the Lord. What is God going to ask of us today? Will we set out, without knowing where his providence will lead us and without trusting?
Thur Feb 25
“I hope in the Lord with all my soul; I hope , and I stand by his word. “(Ps 129, 5) Well then, since you desire to be wholly for God, why will you fear your weakness, in which, as well, you should not put any kind of support. Do you not hope in God? And who will hope in him will ever be confused? (Letter to a Gentleman, EA t. 21, p. 12)
Wait for everything, hope for everything, learn everything from Our God. Let us be like watchmen watching for the word that the Lord wants to speak to us today.
Fri Feb 26
“Today you have obtained from the Lord this declaration: he shall be your God; you, you will follow his ways, you will keep his decrees, his commandments and his ordinances, you will listen to his voice. “(Dt 26:17) May each walk according to the gift of God, but may all have this unique and simple claim to serve God. (Letter to Mother Favre, June 1616, EA t. 17, p. 222-3)
“Today” comes up three times in today’s reading! Let us decide now, immediately, let us answer simply and personally: yes Lord I want to serve you even more, show me the way!
Sat Feb 27
Yes, I know my sin, my fault is always before me. (Ps 50, 5) Alas! O my Creator, instead of uniting myself with you by loving and serving you, I rebelled with unsettled attachments; I separated and moved away from you to unite myself to sin … (IDL I,)
Lord, help me on this day to fight against one of my faults that is leading me away from you.
(2nd Sunday of Lent)
” What more can be said ? If God is for us, who will be against us? »(Rom 8:31) What do we want if not what God wants? Let him guide our soul, which is his boat, he will make it emerge safely. (Letter to Ste Chantal, MMXCIII 1620)
How reassuring are the words of Saint Paul! Indeed, the fight is part of Lent and we will only win it if we are united with God, if we want what God wants. Let him be the rudder of our boat and he will lead us!