St. Francis de Sales’ sermon for a Religious Profession on the Feast of the Annunciation of 1621 highlights the beauty of the call of God to the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose vocation became so clear on that day.
St Francis quotes the Song of Songs,” Let Him kiss me with the kiss of His mouth” as he explains that this kiss is ‘nothing else but the accomplishment of the Mystery of the Lord’s Incarnation” It was granted to Our Lady “ who above all others, merits the name of spouse…then that divine union of the Eternal Word with the human nature, represented by this kiss, was made in the sacred womb of this glorious Virgin.”
St. Francis de Sales goes on to speak of a religious vocation. “ The dedication which young ladies make of their hearts to the Divine Majesty they would never have had the desire to make if the Sovereign Spouse of their souls had not drawn them and assisted them with His grace.”
Comparing religious life to Our Lady’s vocation, St Francis says she was alone in her room when the Angel came to greet her and bring her the news of the Incarnation to take place within her. Likewise, ” what do religious do but remain in their cells and enjoy conversation with their Spouse.They retire into the depths of their hearts where they live in solitude”
Religious are also to bear Christ in the world and each one hears the call to her in a unique way.
Reflect on how you hear the call of God in your life and how you can respond more fully this Lent, as you celebrate this great Feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord.