Holy Week Meditations of St Francis de Sales
Sunday Mar 28
“Truly this was the Son of God”
We desire no other joy nor shade than that of the cross, no other drink than the blood which trickles down it, no other food than the fruit of life hanging on the holy cross!
Monday Mar 29
Consider how great and venerable is this Cross. And what shall we say of the Cross which has been the bed, the seat and the throne of God? With what reverence will the devout soul kiss the Cross, the true royal sceptre of her dear Jesus!
Tuesday Mar 30
O most holy Cross, honored by the members of my Savior, thou art the royal gate which leads to the temple of holiness, outside of which we shall find none!
Wednesday Mar 31
O religious soul! place your spirit deep down in the wounds suffered by the Lord on this Cross, and see that vain is the heart that nestles on any other tree!
Thursday April 1Holy Thursday
I salute thee O holy Cross! standard of salvation, palm tree of life, sword wherewith the devil has been slain, medicine of immortality, defense of the present life, pledge of eternal life, sacred sign of Christians, trophy of King Jesus! O dear and desirable Cross! receive me into thy venerable arms.
Friday April 2 Good Friday
Jesus, my Spouse! by kissing and embracing Thy Cross, Thou did kiss and embrace all our little crosses,so as to make us love them more! O my little crosses! my little troubles, dislikes, humiliations, however small you may be, Jesus has seen you, kissed you and sanctified you, how then, should I not receive you with an open heart?
Saturday April 3 Holy Saturday
O holy lover of the Cross! I pray that after your example, I may love crucifixion of body and heart! O holy cross! remain as a chain of love, and as a sure rampart on my chest.
Source: Meditations from the Writings of St Francis de Sales