O my dear Savior, how happy I will be if you imprinted mightily in my heart your suffering image: Humbly prostrate at the foot of your Cross, I will tell you often, O my divine savior, Have mercy on me !

1.Jesus unknown and despised, Jesus slandered, persecuted, Jesus forsaken men and tempted, have mercy on me.
2 Jesus betrayed and sold at a low price, Jesus blamed, accused and condemned, Jesus, dressed in a garment of disgrace, have mercy on me.
3 Jesus, slapped and mocked, Jesus, dragged by the noose around his neck, Jesus, reputed to be mad and frenzied, have mercy on me.
4 Jesus, whipped to blood, Jesus, stationed at Barabbas, Jesus, stripped, laid bare with infamy, have mercy on me.
5 Jesus crowned with thorns and hailed in derision, Jesus, loaded with the cross and curses, Jesus, overwhelmed with insults, sorrows and humiliations, have mercy on me.
6 Jesus, sad even to death, Jesus, confronted, spat, beaten, outraged and scorned, Jesus, hanged (…) with the thieves, have mercy on me.
7 Jesus destroyed and dishonored before men, Jesus overwhelmed with all kinds of pain, Jesus, who wanted to suffer these humiliations for me, have mercy on me.
Text by St Margaret Mary, translated from the French