Dear friends,

This first Friday in April places us under the gaze of the crucified and I would like, with Saint Margaret Mary, to give you back a strong word of Jesus: “let me imprint on you my suffering image”.
It is not suffering that the Lord imprints but his suffering image. At a time when we contemplate Jesus in his passion, how can we not make this request of Marguerite-Marie our own: “imprint on me your suffering image …” Lord, make us understand the love you have shown for us on cross. Allow us not to be indifferent to the cross. We sign ourselves with this cross at each time of prayer. She is the symbol of Christians. Sign of Christ’s love for me. For every man! May the love of the dead and risen Christ for us take hold of us!
I pray for you.
P. Benoit + Rector of the Sanctuary of Paray le Monial