Fourth Sunday of Lent, Laetare – March 14
But God is rich in mercy; because of the great love with which he loved us. (Ep 2, 4) Your miseries and your infirmities should not astonish you: God has seen others, and his mercy does not reject the miserable. (To a Lady, September 12, 1617) Lord, You have accepted to suffer and die to save us, the most beautiful proof of your love for all men. I want to be meek and humble of heart, following your example, and I will try to endure with patience those who are not, in my eyes, lovable.

Monday March 15
You turned my mourning into a dance (Ps 29:12) What does he mean [old Jacob] by these words: Now I will die happy since I saw your face, except that his joy was so great that it made death itself joyful, which is nevertheless the saddest thing? and the most horrible in the world? (TAD V, 4) Lord, You support in Hope those who believe in You and are at the end of their life. I will pray today especially for the eno I will pray today especially for the family circle of all the sick and the caregivers who devote themselves to them.
Tuesday March 16
“Do you want to be healed?” “(Jn 5, 6) We must therefore have patience, and not think that we can cure in one day so many bad habits that we have contracted by the little care we have had for our spiritual health. (To President Brulart, March 1605) Lord, we believe that You always answer our prayers all the more so if we ask for our spiritual progress. I will say my act of contrition with fervor.
Wednesday March 17th
The Lord sustains all who fall (Ps 144:14)This state of abandonment of ourselves also includes being abandoned to the will of God in all temptations, aridities, droughts, aversions and loaths that occur in the spiritual life. (S. C. On Confidence and Abandonment, Pleiade p. 1025)
Lord, You know our weaknesses better than we do. Do not leave us discouraged and lift our hearts to trust in your patient love.I will go and recharge my batteries in front of the tabernacle with a moment of abandonment and adoration.
Thursday March 18
These are the works the Father has given me to do. (Jn 5, 36)Look for the most appropriate means to keep you in these resolutions and promise to implement them: frequent prayer, the sacraments, works of charity, the fight against your faults, the avoidance of dangerous occasions, and all that. which will be advised by your spiritual director. (IDL 5, XV)
Lord, come every day to strengthen our faith and the desire to please You.In the morning I will pray, offering you my day and invoking my patron saint. I will not forget every night to turn to You as I reflect on what may have pleased You or what moved me away from You and my brothers.