dear Guards of honor,

Who better than the Blessed Virgin Mary, Daughter of God, Mother of God in her Son Jesus Christ and Bride of the Holy Spirit can teach us the true life of faith? Unequaled, priceless treasure, Mary is the Mother through whom God was incarnated and she was given to us on the Cross by Jesus! As She herself reminded us at Fatima, it is through the intercession of her Immaculate Heart that the world can change and reverse all the situations that seem inextricable to us. In this month which is entirely dedicated to her, our Foundress invites us to draw from the Most Blessed Virgin Mary all the graces we need! always well in communion with each one.
Geneviève Vignes, Headquarters coordinator
The imitation of Mary
Mary is the most perfect of all creatures. To understand this, we must meditate on the life of Mary: To rewrite the life of the Blessed Virgin in spirit is to contemplate the unblemished purity of Mary in her conception and without her blessed birth which rejoices the whole universe. It is to meditate on her humility in the Annunciation, it is to admire her charity in the Visitation, her obedience in the Purification. It is to celebrate her piety and her union with God. It is to consider her patience and her spirit of sacrifice in the Presentation, in the flight into Egypt and at the foot of the Cross.
It is to revel in the spectacle of her modesty, her poverty, her sanctified work in the house of Nazareth. This is to recall her unshakeable fidelity in the midst of the pains of the Passion, her zeal for the triumph of the Church after Pentecost, her love for God so ardent that he broke in her the bonds of soul and body.
However, meditation on all of Mary’s virtues risks being only sterile if we ourselves do not try to imitate them. The spiritual interest of our souls makes it a duty to imitate . What child does not wish to imitate his dear mother? Mary is our Mother and her life, a source of lessons for each of us, her children. Therefore by imitating her, we are sure to always progress in holiness, to become better at all times and to reproduce in us the features of her Son because it is through her that we come to him! Yes, let us meditate on the life of Mary, but even more, let us imitate her, we will rejoice more in her Heart as Mother and that of her Son Jesus! (Sr Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)