May 13, 1920: Canonization of Saint Margaret -Mary(nun of the monastery of the Visitation of Paray-le-Monial, confidante of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) by Pius Ⅺ
May 13, 1933: Birth in Heaven of the Venerable Sister Marie-Marguerite Bogner at the Visitation of Erd. She was the first visitandine in Hungary.
May 15, 1956: Pope Pius Ⅻ publishes “Hauriteis Aquas”, an encyclical on the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
May 31, 1992: Canonization of Saint Claude la Colombière (Jesuit, first great propagator of the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and spiritual director of Saint Marguerite-Marie) by Saint John Paul Ⅱ