Dear Guards of Honor,
June, undoubtedly the month most dear to the Guards of Honor and to lovers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. If, alas, today, devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus may seem out of fashion in the eyes of the world, it is nonetheless essential. After the gift of his life on the cross and his resurrection, his Sacred Heart is the most extraordinary manifestation of his love for us. By revealing the treasures of graces of his Heart of flesh to St. Margaret Mary, Jesus invites us to draw on everything we need to nourish our life of faith and ensure eternal salvation! May the Sacred Heart of Jesus fill your heart with its blessings!
Always in union of prayer with you, Geneviève Vignes, Headquarters coordinator
Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Let us remember the affectionate and urgent recommendations of Our Lord: “Pray, pray without ceasing … In truth, I say it to you whatever you ask of my Father in my name, he will grant it to you …” Thus Jesus reveals to us the thoughts intimate with his Sacred Heart. He puts at our disposal an inexhaustible treasure where we can take whatever we lack at will. This treasure is his Heart. It contains all the merits of the life of our Lord, all the graces that he has acquired for us, all the virtues that he has practiced, all the gifts of the Holy Spirit with which he has been filled … and this treasure belongs to each of us !
Everything lives, everything breathes, everything prospers in Him. He invites us to draw abundantly from it. He even suffers . Jesus is Alive and it is with his Heart, seat of all his affections, symbol of his infinite charity that he intercedes for us with God his Father. Let us therefore approach this throne of infinite graces and pray to the Sacred Heart with renewed fervor. May no day of this month pass without our addressing to the Sacred Heart a prayer whose fervor will draw upon us, our families, all sinners, and the entire Church an outpouring of divine mercy! (Sr Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud VHM)