So the day
after the solemnity of the Sacred Heart,
we are now resuming.
Our biblical exploration
of Scripture
We are going to talk today,
we are going to tackle
the theme of water
for several days in a row .
That is to say, water which gushes out
from the open side of Jesus, from his heart.
And so we will see
how passages of Scripture
can, little by little,
enlighten us and intensify
our contemplation of the
open heart of Jesus from which
blood and water flow.
So the first passage of Scripture,
This is chapter 2
of Genesis,
where it is a question of the trees
that God plants
in the garden of Genesis,
then of a tree of life
which is in the middle of the garden
and which is positive,
which is made for the man.
And then there is the disastrous tree
of the knowledge of good and evil.
But that, we,
we won’t talk about today
in Genesis 2,
after the mention of the tree of life,
what does it say?
“A river flowed
in Eden and watered,
Irrigated the whole earth.
It divides into 4 arms
and irrigates the whole earth.
A river flows in Eden.”
And there, as you can
already see Saint-Bonaventure,
saw it as an announcement of the water
flowing from the heart of Jesus.
You can do any
symbolism from there:
the tree of life in the middle of the garden,
the river.
Which flows in Eden
and which is then divided between 4 arms
and which irrigates the whole earth,
while Saint-Bonaventure, him.
had added something,
it is this river which
is divided into 4 arms
and passes through loving hearts, that
is to say worshipers.
Each of us irrigates
the whole earth, spiritually.
The Church and the world
need our faithfulness
in worship.
This river which is in fact
the water which flows from the heart of Jesus,
must pass through loving hearts
and then disperse, spread
over the whole earth.
At the 4 corners of the horizon.
And so,
this is what is announced
in the 2nd chapter.
fe Genesis.
And besides, there is in
the diorama of Paray-le-Monial.
Something quite remarkable:
the last painting, I believe
we see Jesus on the cross,
but the whole cross and even Jesus
are covered with leaves
like a tree.
And then the water gushes out from Jesus’ side
but when they arrive at the foot of the cross,
they are no longer divided into 4.
But in this signifying the 7 sacraments
which will irrigate the life of the Church,
irrigate the life of the world.
To end on
this very beautiful
evocation, this analogy,
this symbolism between the tree of life,
the river which flows in Eden
and Jesus in the cross
heart, pierced, from which the water gushes,
I am simply quoting you the antiphon.
that can be found in the breviary.
Uh, the antiphon of a psalm,
where it says, “The tree of life
is your cross Lord. This
is the actualization,
this is the fulfillment
of what is said
in the book of Genesis.
“The tree of life is your cross, Lord.”
We are leaving each other today
and we will meet again
tomorrow to continue
always on this theme of water.
Source: Fr Kars