We now resume

the commentary on the quotes
that John uses in chapter 19.
It would be nice if you have
a Bible to open it,
but otherwise you can
always do it afterwards at chapter 12
of the prophet Zechariah,
in the Jerusalem Bible,
Zechariah is the penultimate
book of the Old Testament.
Zechariah is a prophet
of the return from exile.
He witnesses
the reconstruction of Jerusalem, the
construction of a new temple
therefore, after the distress
of deportation.
But then it happens that Israel
has seriously sinned against God
and God is punishing Israel
using the wrath of the nations,
but the nations have exceeded
the measure in cruelty.
So God changed his mind and said, “Now,
And it’s the nations
that are going to see, uh,
how I’m going to act towards her,
they’ve been so cruel.
And he decides to give thanks to Israel.
So I start from verse 9
of chapter 12 of Zachary,
it will happen in that day
that I will seek to destroy
all the nations that will come
against Jerusalem.
But I will pour out upon the house of David,
and upon the inhabitant of Jerusalem,
a spirit of grace and of supplication.
And they will look to me
for the one they pierced.
They will mourn over him
as we mourn over an only son.
They will mourn him
as one mourns a firstborn.
So see where I’m coming from.
It is from this verse
that of all these verses
that John then wrote.
A scripture says,
they will look to the one
they have pierced.
Except that Jean, he immediately makes
an identification.
The one who is pierced
is Jesus who is at the same time God,
while in Zechariah,
it is God who speaks.
He says, they will look to me.
And then as
a distinct someone,
they ‘ll look to me
and to the one
they’ve pierced.
So there again a mysterious
suffering servant, a righteous, innocent,
unjustly dead. Then they will mourn over him
, as we mourn
over an only son,
as we mourn over a firstborn.
So in Zechariah
there is a distinction.
But it is John who, seeing Jesus
who is both God but at the same time a
suffering servant, says there he is,
we look towards the one
who was pierced
and we lament over him.
This is what Zachariah foresaw.
They will look to the one
they have pierced.
And this is what John understands
when he contemplates Jesus Pierced on the cross.
So there, then,
there is all this lamentation,
which follows, there is a real
litany of lamentations,
but still note
that the prophetic aspect.
Who aims, I would say the Passion.
This is what is said here
he will mourn over him.
How we mourn over an only son.
For the only son, it is
one of the titles of Jesus,
the only son, he weeps for him,
They will mourn him
as we cry for a firstborn.
Jesus is said to be the firstborn of creation
but also the firstborn
from the dead.
So, see that already, this whole chapter,
all these verses
that we have just read,
of Zechariah are heavy
with prophetic meaning.
And we understand that John wanted to quote,
they will look to the one
they pierced and lament over him
Source: Fr Karshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BFJhLOsTcY