dear friends Guards of honor, Here we are at the start of summer, ready to take advantage of the beautiful sunny days to recharge our batteries both physically and mentally. However, there is an ever-springing source from which we can always draw to fully revitalize ourselves: the Precious Blood of our Lord! July is the month in which we especially honor him. Let us not hesitate to invoke him for ourselves but also for all our brothers in humanity! May the Lord bless you abundantly especially during your Hour of Presence … summer!
well in communion with you, Geneviève Vignes, Headquarters coordinator
The Most Precious Blood of Jesus
If we were better informed of the supernatural riches that the Church places at our disposal, far from spending our life in continual moans about our distress, our miseries, our helplessness … we would sing of joy for what is given to us by Jesus him – even: his Precious Blood. Have we already thought about the possession of this treasure and especially have we seriously exploited it? Certainly, through the Sacrament of Confession, we are purified in the divine Blood; we are watered with it when we take Communion…
But have we known how to seize it to pay our debts, obtain the conversion of sinners, the deliverance of souls from Purgatory, the triumph of the Church and the Salvation of the world?
During this month which is traditionally dedicated to him, let us decide to use this very precious Blood in all the circumstances where the help of heaven becomes indispensable to us. When we are in anguish, temptation, trial, let us turn to the Blood of Jesus Christ; offer it to his divine Father to obtain the strength and resignation we need. When a loved one is in pain and we long for their healing, let us ask for it for the merits of the precious Blood. A case troubles us painfully? Let us solicit its success through the offering of the Blood of Jesus. The soul of a friend resists all our supplications and remains distant from God, let us implore his conversion by the almighty voice of the Redeeming Blood. A member of our family has passed away, let us console our pain by hastening his deliverance from purgatory by the application of the Precious Blood.
Our sins are innumerable and inspire self-loathing, let us free ourselves by often repeating the adorable Blood offering. We will never understand the power that this precious offering exercises over the Heart of God the Father. She reminds him of the painful Passion of her beloved Son. Jesus had taught St. Magdalene de Pazzi “Whenever a creature offers my Father this Blood by which she was redeemed, she offers a gift of an infinite price and the value of which nothing can compensate. »
During this month, by paying homage to the Precious Blood, we will bless the Heart of Jesus a thousand times! (Sr Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)
Extract from our Offering Prayer: “Eternal Father, I offer you the very precious Blood of Jesus Christ, in atonement for my sins, for the needs of the Church and for … (such intention). “